Our Mission to Swaziland & Johannesburg South Africa
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Thursday, March 7, 2019
We're HOME!!!
We are HOME!! We arrived on Tuesday night, March 5th around 5:30 pm! What a reception we had at the airport!! We had all of our kids and grandkids there, except, Maybree and Adam on missions and Brigham playing in a volleyball game. Ü It was like HEAVEN seeing them and hugging them again!! We took pictures and then went to Rosa's for a Mexican dinner. (NOT anything like the old Tia Rosa's however.... but the chips and green salsa were SO GOOD!!)

We were surprised to see PIZZA HUT is there.

Eyob Teferra, Mesi, Daisy & Hyrum came to see us!

The light rail was just being built when we left....

Abere and Beka and his wife came to the East Gate Hotel to see us on Sunday night.

Our cute,TALL, grandson, Brigham, met us to eat after his volleyball game! Yay!!
Habtu, who was District President when we served there, borrowed a van and picked us up from our hotel in Debra Zeyit and drove us to Addis Ababa. We met his cute wife, Hanna, who gave us sodas and delicious dabs (bread) she made. We also met her grandmother and their cute little girl (sleeping on the couch) who was born a year after we left.

We LOVED seeing Ruth and Yeabsra Misgana who used to live near us
The Megenagna chapel and the Mission Office where we worked for 3 months.
Elder Reid Arnett from our ward and his companion, Elder Smith are the Office Elders.
(The senior couple went home after just 6 months.)
We are back in Addis!!
And these high rise apartment buildings are across from the chapel!
Habtu took us to visit Zirgi, her daughter and son, Shewandyne
Cute Solomon, my little buddy was at school so we only saw this photo...
We finally met Yodit! She is a friend of Ines and has helped Rick's group a lot.
And it was great to see Dagum, Ashebir's nephew who lived with them when we were there. He wants to serve a mission!
The light rail was just being built when we left....
We flew from Adidas to Frankfurt at midnight!
Our chapel in Debra Zeyit
This is our furniture from the home we lived in! Ü
Kaleab Yonis, Euale (Besu's nephew) and Gebrella Solomon

Ayele Asfaw and Belaynesh.... Tutu, Tigist Dawit, and Marta's parents
Our Seminary (and Institute) girls we taught
TIgist Ayele, Iserael Solomon Dessalegn, Tutu Ayele, and Betty Lemma
Sister Atsede came from Addis to see us!
Yirgalem, Kaleab's and Fekadu's mother
Yetimwork, Efrem's wife
Some of the Primary children ~ Naol Lemma, Wengelawit & Edilawit Efrem, Nebyat Ashebir
Grant Ashebir, who was 10 when we left and is now 14!
My RS sisters (L to R): Yeshi, Atsede, Fasika, SIster Lemma, Yirgalem, Tisgist Girma, Iserael Solomon, and Frihiwot Mitiku and little girl
Naol, Yordanos' cousin, Edilawit, Ablakat, Nebyat, Wengilawit and Feraol
Yordanos Kiros and Gebrella Solomon, Primary leaders Ü
I still have this taped inside the cover of my scriptures from
when I took care of the library in the branch....
Abraham Mama drew this for us!
Mattias and TIgist Ridell, newlyweds of just one week!!
They served together in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission
Feraol and Naol Lemma ~ twins
Grant Ashebir, Abraham Mamo, Getu, Abere Adane and Birhanu
After church, we took a bajaj to Tutu's home to see her parents and have lunch.
A neighbor boy
Marta and her son, Amen
Her brother Dawit's son, Joe and her brother Euale.
A neighbor

Abere and Beka and his wife came to the East Gate Hotel to see us on Sunday night.
Lots of bajajs passed us as we walked from our hotel
to the chapel in Debra Zeyit on Saturday morning.
Debra Zeyit Chapel
Debra Zeyit Elders - Elder Johnson (2nd from left) and Elder Harrick (2nd from right)
and Beklobet Elders - Brewer (Queen Creek, AZ) Colvin and Millecam were having District Council when we arrived at the chapel.
Our daughter-in-law Karen's brother, Daryn McClure, arrived in Addis for a medical convention with his son, Jacob on Sunday morning.
He was Elder Brewer's bishop so I took this photo to send to him!
We took Tutu, Frehiwot and Gebrella to lunch at Faarmi's before Institute.
Tigist and Mattias, her husband were the first to come and visit us at the chapel
but they left before lunch.
We were asked by Israel to teach her Institute class
L to R: Pres. Kiros Beyene, Branch President, Euale, Tutu, Us, Abraham, (new member)
Gebrella, two investigators, Iserael, Rediet Solomon, Kaleab and Yordanos (who just sent her mission papers in!)
Euale and Kaleab
Ethiopian Birr
Ethiopian "Mix-eds"
After Institute, we went home with Israel and Rediet on a bajaj
to see Yeshi, their sweet mom!
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