We have enjoyed the 18 couples and 8 single sisters here at the MTC this week!!
The couple next to us, Steven and Lorraine Ward, are the couple we
were assigned to get to know and teach Wed. and Thurs.
They are going to the SLC Headquarters Mission.
Couples above left to right: Silvers (SLC), Seeleys (SLC), Gustafsons (VA), Farnsworths
(SLC), Meirs (Argentina), Jensens (Nauvoo), Cutlers (Ohio), Wards (SLC), Wolds (Swaziland)
Couples below left to right: Sparrows (SLC), Schmitts (Nauvoo), Litkes (Chicago), Taylors
(SLC), Robinsons (Florida), Halls (Hawaii), Phillips (Kansas), Moultons, Martins (Tokyo)
The couple fourth from the left, the Taylors, and the couple 2nd from the right, the
Moultons,are the two couples with us in our district. It's a very small group of
senior couples this week!Four years ago, we had 129 of us here!!
My cute high school (and BYU ) friend, Julie Fuhriman Young and her
husband, Brig, came to see us last night and brought the cutest card!
They are serving in the Provo Mission!
We saw cute Maybree again today and I snapped
a quick picture as she was eating her Navajo taco!
We have seen our granddaughter ALL four days! (Amazing
really with 2500 missionaries here!! The cafeteria is CRAZY!)
We are not supposed to take photos in the cafeteria, but
Tuesday we saw Keri Turley (Washington) and her brother
Reed Turley (Hong Kong) and today we saw Gunner
Halls (Australia), all from our Stake Missionary
Preparation class!! Ü